call sign
英 [ˈkɔːl saɪn]
美 [ˈkɔːl saɪn]
n. (无线电通讯的)呼叫信号,呼号
- (无线电通讯的)呼叫信号,呼号
the letters and numbers used in radio communication to identify the person who is sending a message
- (电台的)呼叫信号
Acall signis the letters and numbers which identify a person, vehicle, or organization that is broadcasting on the radio or sending messages by radio.
- 2 diskette labels should clearly indicate the call sign used, contest name, entry class, and date of the contest.
磁片的标签必须标明使用的呼号、比赛名称、参赛组别及比赛日期。 - Applicants can call to sign for a suitable exam time.
可依考生需要及要求,个别安排考试时间。 - Finance ministers from the group of seven economic powers held a half-hour, late-night conference call on Sunday to be updated on European deliberations a call one EU diplomat described as a sign of us concern.
由经济大国组成的7国集团(g7)财长上周日深夜举行了半个小时的电话会议,通报欧洲方面的最新讨论进展;一名欧盟外交官将此举形容为美国感到担忧的一个迹象。 - But they think it is either a call for sex, or a warning sign from the bugs to their enemies.
但他们认为这是一个性别的呼叫,或警示标志的错误,他们的敌人。 - Markets, too, tend to treat even a rumour of an imminent call on the IMF as a sign that matters have spun out of control.
同样,市场也趋向于甚至是把一个即将拜访IMF的谣传作为形势已经失控的信号。 - When he talks with someone, he will definitely not receive any call or sign any document.
他跟人谈话时,绝不会再接其他电话或者签字。 - VAP ( the Voice Value-Added service platform) is the core module of the speech contents business system, completing the speech call sign to continue and the Voice Value-Added service business to be explained and run.
语音增值业务平台VAP(Voicevalue-Addedserviceplatform)是语音内容业务系统的核心模块,完成语音呼叫接续和语音增值业务解释执行的功能。 - You used the call sign freelancer.
你用的暗号自由者。 - What's the last letter in your call sign?
你呼号的最后一个字母是什么? - The new system of dynamic signature standard call, free calls using the standard style of sign.